1. Skineando componentes con el evento "initialize"
La forma más rápida para skinnear un componente v2 de Macromedia es arrastrándolo al escenario (p.ej. Componente Button), haz click una vez sobre él para seleccionarlo y en sus acciones (F9 para abrir el panel) poner lo siguiente:
onClipEvent(initialize) { falseUpSkin = "falseUpClab"; falseDownSkin = "falseDownClab"; falseOverSkin = "falseOverClab"; falseDisabledSkin = "falseDisabledClab"; trueUpSkin = "trueUpClab"; trueDownSkin = "trueDownClab"; trueOverSkin = "trueOverClab"; trueDisabledSkin = "trueDisabledClab"; }
Una vez hecho esto, podemos hacer nuestros clips de película llamándolos igual que en el código y exportándolos para Actionscript con el mismo nombre.
De esta forma ya tendremos nuestro primer componente skinneado, de una forma rápida y sencilla.
2. Skineando componentes con createClassObject()
Skinnear componentes con initialize esta bien, pero no sirve si creamos nuestros componentes dinámicamente mediante createClassObject, ya que aún nos están instanciados en el escenario.
Con el mismo archivo que antes, guardalo con otro nombre y borra el componente Button que hay en el escenario, ahora coloca este código en el fotograma 1:
//Skin para la flecha del comboBox var skin_obj:Object = new Object(); skin_obj.falseUpSkin = "falseUpClab"; skin_obj.falseDownSkin = "falseDownClab"; skin_obj.falseOverSkin = "falseOverClab"; skin_obj.falseDisabledSkin = "falseDisabledClab"; skin_obj.trueUpSkin = "trueUpClab"; skin_obj.trueDownSkin = "trueDownClab"; skin_obj.trueOverSkin = "trueOverClab"; skin_obj.trueDisabledSkin = "trueDisabledClab"; createClassObject(mx.controls.Button, "button", 1, skin_obj); button.move(100, 89); button.label = "Button";
Esta es la mejor forma de skinnear nuestros componentes, así conseguimos crear dinámicamente componentes skinneados y tenemos el código mucho más ordenado en un único fotograma.
3. Skinnear componentes globalmente
Una buena forma de skinnear un componente que esta dentro de otro, por ejemplo, un ScrollBar de un DataGrid, es hacerlo a nivel global, modificando directamente el prototipo de la clase.
Crea un skin para una ScrollBar de la misma forma que has hecho antes. Esta vez no utilizaremos ni initialize, ni createClassObject, lo que haremos será modificar la clase ScrollBar directamente. Entra dentro de cada clip y en el fotograma 1 de su línea de tiempo, escribe este código.
#initclip 10 import mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar; ScrollBar.prototype.scrollTrackName = "BackScrollSB"; #endinitclip
Repite el mismo paso para cada uno de los clips hasta que la ScrollBar este totalmente modificada.
Ahora podemos colocar cualquier componente y ver como todas las ScrollBar de la aplicación están con nuestro skin. Puedes añadir este código en el fotograma 1 de la línea de tiempo principal para probarlo.
createClassObject(mx.controls.List, "lista", 1); createClassObject(mx.controls.ComboBox, "combo", 2); var contactos_array:Array = new Array("Jordi", "Josep", "Humphrey", "David", "Javi", "Orestes", "Pedro", "Ernest", "Lisa"); lista.move(10, 10); combo.move(190, 10); lista.dataProvider = contactos_array; combo.dataProvider = contactos_array;
4. Lista de propiedades de cada componente
He agrupado todas las propiedades de configuración de skins de cada componente, todo esto lo podéis encontrar de todas formas en la ayuda de Flash 8 pero he creído que estaría bien tenerlo todo junto como si de una referencia se tratase. La ayuda de mi programa está en inglés, así que cada uno deberá traducirlo como pueda.
Property |
Description |
Default value |
falseUpSkin |
The up (normal) state of the header above all collapsed children. |
accordionHeaderSkin |
falseDownSkin |
The pressed state of the header above all collapsed children. |
accordionHeaderSkin |
falseOverSkin |
The rolled-over state of the header above all collapsed children. |
accordionHeaderSkin |
falseDisabled |
The disabled state of the header above all collapsed children. |
accordionHeaderSkin |
trueUpSkin |
The up (normal) state of the header above the expanded child. |
accordionHeaderSkin |
trueDownSkin |
The pressed state of the header above the expanded child. |
accordionHeaderSkin |
trueOverSkin |
The rolled-over state of the header above the expanded child. |
accordionHeaderSkin |
trueDisabledSkin |
The disabled state of the header above the expanded child. |
accordionHeaderSkin |
Property |
Description |
Default value |
buttonUp |
The up state of the buttons. |
ButtonSkin |
buttonUpEmphasized |
The up state of the default button. |
ButtonSkin |
buttonDown |
The pressed state of the buttons. |
ButtonSkin |
buttonDownEmphasized |
The pressed state of the default button. |
ButtonSkin |
buttonOver |
The rolled-over state of the buttons. |
ButtonSkin |
buttonOverEmphasized |
The rolled-over state of the default button. |
ButtonSkin |
titleBackground |
The window title bar. |
TitleBackground |
Property |
Description |
falseUpSkin |
The up (normal) state. |
falseDownSkin |
The pressed state. |
falseOverSkin |
The over state. |
falseDisabledSkin |
The disabled state. |
trueUpSkin |
The toggled state. |
trueDownSkin |
The pressed-toggled state. |
trueOverSkin |
The over-toggled state. |
trueDisabledSkin |
The disabled-toggled state. |
falseUpSkinEmphasized |
The up (normal) state of an emphasized button. |
falseDownSkinEmphasized |
The pressed state of an emphasized button. |
falseOverSkinEmphasized |
The over state of an emphasized button. |
falseDisabledSkinEmphasized |
The disabled state of an emphasized button. |
trueUpSkinEmphasized |
The toggled state of an emphasized button. |
trueDownSkinEmphasized |
The pressed-toggled state of an emphasized button. |
trueOverSkinEmphasized |
The over-toggled state of an emphasized button. |
trueDisabledSkinEmphasized |
The disabled-toggled state of an emphasized button. |
falseUpIcon |
The icon up state. |
falseDownIcon |
The icon pressed state. |
falseOverIcon |
The icon over state. |
falseDisabledIcon |
The icon disabled state. |
trueUpIcon |
The icon toggled state. |
trueOverIcon |
The icon over-toggled state. |
trueDownIcon |
The icon pressed-toggled state. |
trueDisabledIcon |
The icon disabled-toggled state. |
falseUpIconEmphasized |
The icon up state of an emphasized button. |
falseDownIconEmphasized |
The icon pressed state of an emphasized button. |
falseOverIconEmphasized |
The icon over state of an emphasized button. |
falseDisabledIconEmphasized |
The icon disabled state of an emphasized button. |
trueUpIconEmphasized |
The icon toggled state of an emphasized button. |
trueOverIconEmphasized |
The icon over-toggled state of an emphasized button. |
trueDownIconEmphasized |
The icon pressed-toggled state of an emphasized button. |
trueDisabledIconEmphasized |
The icon disabled-toggled state of an emphasized button. |
Property |
Description |
falseUpSkin |
The up (normal) unchecked state. The default is CheckFalseUp . |
falseDownSkin |
The pressed unchecked state. The default is CheckFalseDown . |
falseOverSkin |
The over unchecked state. The default is CheckFalseOver . |
falseDisabledSkin |
The disabled unchecked state. The default is CheckFalseDisabled . |
trueUpSkin |
The toggled checked state. The default is CheckTrueUp . |
trueDownSkin |
The pressed checked state. The default is CheckTrueDown . |
trueOverSkin |
The over checked state. The default is CheckTrueOver . |
trueDisabledSkin |
The disabled checked state. The default is CheckTrueDisabled . |
Property |
Description |
ComboDownArrowDisabledName |
The down arrow's disabled state. The default is ComboDownArrowDisabled . |
ComboDownArrowDownName |
The down arrow's down state. The default is ComboDownArrowDown . |
ComboDownArrowUpName |
The down arrow's up state. The default is ComboDownArrowOver . |
ComboDownArrowOverName |
The down arrow's over state. The default is ComboDownArrowUp . |
Ver UIScrollBar.
Property |
Description |
backMonthButtonUpSymbolName |
The month back button up state. The default value is backMonthUp . |
backMonthButtonDownSymbolName |
The month back button pressed state. The default value is backMonthDown . |
backMonthButtonDisabledSymbolName |
The month back button disabled state. The default value is backMonthDisabled . |
fwdMonthButtonUpSymbolName |
The month forward button up state. The default value is fwdMonthUp . |
fwdMonthButtonDownSymbolName |
The month forward button pressed state. The default value is fwdMonthDown . |
fwdMonthButtonDisabledSymbolName |
The month forward button disabled state. The default value is fwdMonthDisabled . |
Property |
Description |
openDateUp |
The up state of the pop-up icon. |
openDateDown |
The down state of the pop-up icon. |
openDateOver |
The over state of the pop-up icon. |
openDateDisabled |
The disabled state of the pop-up icon. |
No tiene skin.
Ver UIScrollBar.
Property |
Description |
menuBarBackLeftName |
The up state of the pop-up icon |
menuBarBackRightName |
The down state of the pop-up icon |
menuBarBackMiddleName |
The disabled state of the pop-up icon |
Property |
Description |
upArrowUp |
The up arrow button's up state. The default value is StepUpArrowUp . |
upArrowDown |
The up arrow button's pressed state. The default value is StepUpArrowDown . |
upArrowOver |
The up arrow button's over state. The default value is StepUpArrowOver . |
upArrowDisabled |
The up arrow button's disabled state. The default value is StepUpArrowDisabled . |
downArrowUp |
The down arrow button's up state. The default value is StepDownArrowUp . |
downArrowDown |
The down arrow button's down state. The default value is StepDownArrowDown . |
downArrowOver |
The down arrow button's over state. The default value is StepDownArrowOver . |
downArrowDisabled |
The down arrow button's disabled state. The default value is StepDownArrowDisabled . |
Progress Bar
Property |
Description |
progTrackMiddleName |
The expandable middle of the track. The default value is ProgTrackMiddle . |
progTrackLeftName |
The fixed-size left cap. The default value is ProgTrackLeft . |
progTrackRightName |
The fixed-size right cap. The default value is ProgTrackRight . |
progBarMiddleName |
The expandable middle bar graphic. The default value is ProgBarMiddle . |
progBarLeftName |
The fixed-size left bar cap. The default value is ProgBarLeft . |
progBarRightName |
The fixed-size right bar cap. The default value is ProgBarRight . |
progIndBarName |
The indeterminate bar graphic. The default value is ProgIndBar . |
Name |
Description |
falseUpIcon |
The unselected state. The default value is RadioFalseUp . |
falseDownIcon |
The pressed-unselected state. The default value is RadioFalseDown . |
falseOverIcon |
The over-unselected state. The default value is RadioFalseOver . |
falseDisabledIcon |
The disabled-unselected state. The default value is RadioFalseDisabled . |
trueUpIcon |
The selected state. The default value is RadioTrueUp . |
trueDisabledIcon |
The disabled-selected state. The default value is RadioTrueDisabled . |
Ver UIScrollBar.
Ver UIScrollBar.
Ver UIScrollBar.
Property |
Description |
upArrowUpName |
The up (normal) state of the up and left buttons. The default value is ScrollUpArrowUp . |
upArrowOverName |
The rollover state of the up and left buttons. The default value is ScrollUpArrowOver . |
upArrowDownName |
The pressed state of the up and left buttons. The default value is ScrollUpArrowDown . |
downArrowUpName |
The up (normal) state of the down and right buttons. The default value is ScrollDownArrowUp . |
downArrowOverName |
The rollover state of the down and right buttons. The default value is ScrollDownArrowOver . |
downArrowDownName |
The pressed state of the down and right buttons. The default value is ScrollDownArrowDown . |
scrollTrackName |
The symbol used for the scroll bar's track (background). The default value is ScrollTrack . |
scrollTrackOverName |
The symbol used for the scroll track (background) when rolled over. The default value is undefined . |
scrollTrackDownName |
The symbol used for the scroll track (background) when pressed. The default value is undefined . |
thumbTopName |
The top and left caps of the scroll box (thumb). The default value is ScrollThumbTopUp . |
thumbMiddleName |
The middle (expandable) part of the thumb. The default value is ScrollThumbMiddleUp . |
thumbBottomName |
The bottom and right caps of the thumb. The default value is ScrollThumbBottomUp . |
thumbGripName |
The grip displayed in front of the thumb. The default value is ScrollThumbGripUp . |
Property |
Description |
skinTitleBackground |
The title bar. The default value is TitleBackground . |
skinCloseUp |
The close button. The default value is CloseButtonUp . |
skinCloseDown |
The close button in its down state. The default value is CloseButtonDown . |
skinCloseDisabled |
The close button in its disabled state. The default value is CloseButtonDisabled . |
skinCloseOver |
The close button in its over state. The default value is CloseButtonOver . |
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